Thank you for being part of the Atlanta Jewish Academy community. It is our privilege and responsibility to educate and cultivate the next generation of Jewish leaders, and to shape the future of the Jewish people, starting inside and outside of the classroom. We believe that everyone has a universal need to belong in a safe and welcoming community. Community requires mutual respect and trust; fulfills a need for connection; and creates space for vulnerability, self-discovery, and dialogue. Meaningful relationships foster growth and make it possible for us to honor the Tzelem Elokim (image of G-d) imbued in each individual. Our community of learners celebrates the commonality of our belief and practice, draws strengths and wisdom from the diverse collective knowledge, and designs events and shared experiences that become lifetime memories.
Torah defines our community, is our way of living, and is an important lens we use to look at the world. We are dedicated to understanding, appreciating, and observing halakha (Jewish law), and exploring spirituality, openness, and contemporary issues. We inspire growth in Torah and mitzvot through a nonjudgmental and accepting approach, and a thoughtful Modern Orthodox halakhic process. Our students become informed citizens who embody middot (character traits) in their daily lives and approach the Torah as a blueprint for living a meaningful life. We teach the religious significance of both the Land of Israel and the modern State of Israel. We promote communal unity by highlighting our shared Jewish values, regardless of affiliation or practice.
At AJA, teachers, students, and parents partner in the sacred task of building a community of lifelong learners. We are committed to inspiring the Jewish future by guiding each unique learner and honoring their individuality as they progress along their learning journey. As a school, we foster discovery, collaboration, and critical thinking through multiple modalities, and share constructive feedback to support growth. Curiosity and creativity are critical to building a culture of innovation that sparks joy and passion for learning. Growth happens when we take risks and persevere.