High School
Grades 9-12
AJA High School seeks to nurture the growth of
- Students who are knowledgeable, analytic, empathetic, multi-skilled, and improvement-minded
- Future Jewish leaders who work to shape communities that are diverse and welcoming
Our four major pillars
Torah u’Maddah
We believe that learning secular studies together with Torah provides a fuller view of Hashem and the world Hashem created.
We believe there is religious significance not only to the Land of Israel but the modern State of Israel.
Jewish Unity
We believe that we have much in common with all Jews, regardless of affiliation, and we seek to promote communal unity.
Equal Education and Opportunity
We believe that educational opportunities should not be limited by a person’s gender and ritual opportunities be as inclusive as possible within the framework of Halacha.
We Believe…
- Students learn best when they tap into the natural joy of discovery to engender a love for learning
- Self-discovery and self-growth involves embracing discomfort through experimentation, taking risks, and learning from our mistakes. We learn best when we move outside our comfort zone.
- We work towards mastery of skills and concepts through using multiple modalities to form understandings, sharpen skills, and practice new techniques.
- With rigorous standards for excellence, students push themselves to do their best work.
- Hard work and academic accomplishments should be balanced with opportunities for fun and play. Students attend Community Time weekly to interact with each other through games and activities. Special programming runs throughout the year to celebrate holidays, mark milestones, and enjoy spending time together. Students also attend and participate in several Shabbatonim each school year. Spirited Shabbat dancing is a Friday tradition as students and faculty take a break from the school week to welcome Shabbat.
- We believe that the way to inspire people to grow in Torah and Mitzvot is through an approach that is non-judgmental, intellectually open, stimulating, and accommodating within the bounds of a thoughtful Modern Orthodox Halakhic process. We celebrate our diverse population consisting of families who span the religious spectrum. Even within Modern Orthodoxy itself there is diversity. We do not cater to the “right” or to the “left” on this Orthodoxy spectrum; rather, we respect, celebrate, and accommodate the best we can the needs of our families who span it.
What You Will See in Our High School Classrooms:
- Daily morning and afternoon communal tefillot
Daily rigorous study of Tanakh and Talmud
- A variety of Jewish Exploration (J-Ex) electives
- Students learning actively through a variety of engaging educational approaches.
- Students developing critical thinking skills as they analyze, question, synthesize, and apply learning.
- Students and faculty furthering our growth through self-reflection and feedback.
- Students connecting to the relevance & importance of our learning and how it can & should practically impact our lives now and in the future.
- Students working with each other and with faculty to seek and provide support for one another. Open Office Hours and lunch are times when students can work together and with their teachers to deepen understanding, complete assignments, and accomplish goals.
- Student ownership of learning: class presentations and formal speeches on topics they are passionate about, self-selected elective courses each semester from Judaic and General Studies course offerings, choosing which topics and skills they will explore during minimester week, and seniors following their passions and interests through the senior internship program at the end of their high school experience.
- Students leading and contributing to our community: AJA students run Student Council, develop a wide variety of student clubs, serve as editors and layout designers for our student magazine and yearbook, and become captains of sports teams. All students can bond and explore interests through extracurricular sports and student clubs.
- Students also regularly participate in service learning by visiting sites and organizations to contribute to our Jewish and broader Atlanta communities.
Support for All Learners
AJA provides a range of academic support services to help students reach their goals. Students can work with teachers outside of class during Open Office Hours or during lunch, allowing teachers to provide additional academic help.
Additionally, AJA High School offers a Student Support Program for students who benefit from documented accommodations. Our student support team and learning specialist ensure that students with accommodation plans receive the accommodations needed to help them succeed.